Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Not So New Obsession

Language, grammar, organization. Words. As I have been preparing for school and cleaning my room this last week, I have needed to reorganize my books. Is it strange that I bought a twenty year old unabridged dictionary when I saw it for five dollars? Or that a pocket Merriam-Webster Dictionary lives in my backpack and my desk? Not to mention the rhyming dictionary and the dictionary/thesaurus on my bookshelf. For some reason grammar, languages, and words in general have always fascinated me.

What about you? Does anyone else keep a potentially ridiculous number of dictionaries around? What about pick up a grammar manual and get so caught up in it that you lose track of time? I like comments  and hope to hear from you!

Soli Deo Gloria,

Note: all pictures were taken by me with my camera. I have not stolen them from anywhere :P


  1. haha, amen for the organizational part, haha. I thrive on it. And words rock! My mother thinks it odd that I keep a Webster's dictionary on my bookshelf since we have and other more convenient resources available.

    1. That's great! Yeah, I've been made fun of for having the big dictionary and carrying my little one, but I think there's something to be said for looking words up in a paper and ink book :)

    2. I can understand being made fun of for carrying things along with me. I usually carry a thesaurus to school with me, and I've been made fun of for carrying my big bible with me. There is certainly a place for using computers to search for things, but the feel of a hefty book in your hands... the slightly musty and comfortable smell an old book affords... to be able to parse through all you read as you turn the page, making you want to keep reading and the anticipation building as you can just start to see the next page, the words, what's next?

  2. So true! Although I've been known to lose track of time with an actual book... You know, look up a word, see another word that looks interesting, see another, and another...oh yeah, I needed the first word for something important.

    How big is a "big" Bible? Like, chain to a desk big, or just bigger than one would typically carry around?

    1. Big Bible: Standard Bible font and divisions but includes study notes.

      Haha, that's what pulls me off too. every time I look for something in a reference book I notice something else, and then something else, etc. I never get things done if I need reference materials.
