Monday, August 20, 2012

Time: Where Is It Going?

"This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;

Gnaws iron, bites steel;

Grinds hard stones to meal;

Slays kings, ruins towns,

And beats high mountains down." {The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien}

My eldest brother got married on Saturday, many of my friends are starting college, and now my senior year of highschool has begun. So many changes! No way we're all this old. 

Those of you who have older siblings probably know what I mean when I say that taking classes that I remember my older siblings taking is so weird. They were so mature, so smart, so grown up...they couldn't possibly have been the same age I am!

Is all this weird for anyone else, or am I just strange? :P Comments make my day!

In other news, I've finally made a deal with the characters in my story who were giving me problems, so the next few chapters are happily under construction. I hope to post the next chapter before the end of the month. 

Soli Deo Gloria,


  1. To a degree I know how you feel. My siblings are all much older than me so it's a little bit wibbly, but I do remember feeling odd taking the sciences, which I remember them taking so clearly. What was odd for me was driving lessons. I was sitting in the back seat for both my sister and brother's driving training, so when I took the seat myself it was sort of flashbacky.... if that's a word. I don't think it is.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I bet that was weird, Eoin! I only rode with my siblings a couple times each before they were licensed, so I haven't had quite the same experience. Although it is weird driving...

  2. Whoa, your bro got married? Congratulations to him!

  3. Thanks Natalie! Yeah, my oldest brother is now married. I think he knew your oldest sister, so if you have a chance you can definitely tell her it finally happened :P

    The message is passed on, and the newly weds return their thanks!
