Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The end of the beginning

Greetings to all!

Today I speculate on a topic which, although a blessing, often seems more of a curse. It swallows time, it exhausts the brain, it drags its victims from their fun activities, and oppresses them with tasks of its own. Yes this thing....this terrifying, energy consuming thing....

is often called: School.

 I enter this school year with mixed feelings, as usual. School brings with it interesting reading material, mathematical facts that I would have never figured out on my own. I get to see on a weekly basis some friends of mine that I only see in classes and therefore have spent the entire summer without seeing them. Education brings guidelines for how to improve skills, many of which will prove extremely useful later in life.

But still....
School means several fewer hours of reading Oliver Twist. It means responsibilities and limitations that have not been in place for the past few months during the summer break. Instead of reading for several hours, then doing some chores, and just taking things as they come with plenty time for contemplation; deadlines, tests, and confused study bring structure to a student's daily life.

Welcome senior year of highschool! I know you will be challenging, but I look forward to the adventure. Between the stress, the material, and the daily devotions, I know I will learn much this last year before college.

On a side note: now that all of my classes have started, I will try to fit regular blogging into my routine. However, for the first month or so posts might be even less frequent than they were during the summer when I had no excuse. My apologies for being so inconsistent. I really do appreciate you reading my random thoughts and ramblings here and will try to act accordingly.

Soli Deo Gloria,


  1. Ah yes, bittersweet school. My old nemesis and friend.
    It's really a touchy subject, isn't it??

  2. It really is. So good, yet so tiresome. Thanks for commenting!

  3. in college it gets a little different, as school is the same as it always was, but one should really not complain about it. Sometimes the situations are such that a professor is simply not good, but complaining about college is akin to complaining about the ice cream you just bought. You paid for it, it's your own fault for paying for it, so don't complain to them unless the product itself is faulty.
